Please see below the comments and ideas that emerged from the second consultation for a public lido at Shadwell Basin.
We have submitted a planning application to Tower Hamlets Council which will be posted on the website shortly.
Lido Consultation June 2016
Soft play for children in the café or after school arts and crafts
Swimming/Life saving lessons
Noise – across the basin
Parking – travel assessments to be included in the planning application
Talk to LBTH about better parking enforcement
Restaurant – not a venue for hire or live music
Litter collection between station and Lido
Noise and lighting concerns
Long-term upkeep – making sure it stays beautiful and used.
Late night functions noise
It will be great to have a Lido in Wapping
Great – fully support
Best thing to happen in Wapping
Brilliant idea – can’t wait to use it
Terrific Social Enterprise – bringing community together through well-being